Saturday, December 5, 2009

Plies? (Ballet)?

I need help on my plies!

When I do grand or demi, my bottom is sticking out and its like a V shape when all the other girls are like straight and perfect. I try to do the frog thing but it doesn't help me.

How else can I improve my plies?

Plies? (Ballet)?shows

okay so this happens to the best of us

you have to CONCENTRATE not only on the plies,

but on your posture.

you need a straight back, push your pelvis forward and stay turned out.

feel that your back and your spinal cord are perpendicular to the floor.

it takes determination and concentration but by simply straightening up and pushing forward instead of staying loose, you'll have a perfect plie.

you HAVE TO HAVE TO HAVE TO tuck in your tummy, and contract all the muscles in your butt and back.

good luck!

Plies? (Ballet)?comedy show opera theater

pull your bum in - as if ur grinding ur legs(wrap legs) -just see what you do when yu think grinding if tht helps,

RLE RLE RLE lengthen in body(try to lengthen upas much as you can while maintaining the rest while you plies), center in, shoulders down(feel it all the way down ur bck), dnt tuck ur pelvis, strong bck , turn out- dnt roll feet,chest open, ribs in, neck long,arms strong and curved, feel the energy through every part of ur body as if its trying to get out (dnt hyper-extend ur arms) .i know this is a lot but wen u get used to it many of these things will become basic and natural tht u wnt think of all the lil things but as the whole thing as a position

stand in ur piles and work on all these things in the mirror 1 by 1 - u should be knackered . before you start anything you body should be stable , strong and rle rlee prepared cos everyfing yu do at the barre is to rle worka muscle -and if ur doing it ryt then it shudnt matter how far you go as long as its ryt -just rle work hard on it and it will help-uve got 2 have an understanding of why ur doing each exercise and what it shud b working so just learn to apply things like- lengthening body and so on 2 every exercise- it may sound hard but ive had a new teacher who has taught me this and it has MAJORLY helped . gd luck! xx
The best way i keep good plies is to keep your bottom muscles tight and pull your body up to the ceiling to keep it straight..
Do a plie and then push your bottom under, or control it under as you go down

If that doesn't work, try turning your feet out a bit more
You should do your plies with your back against a wall to help you straighten your back. Don't worry, I had that problem too! :)
the suck and tuck method: keep your spine aligned and think of sucking in your abdomen and picture a string pulling you up by the belly button.the, rotate your hips to tuck your bum under your pelvis.
Be tight, squeeze your butt in, and keep your back nice and straight.
honey u need to tuck ur bottom under for everything in dance,. not just plies!! if it is not tucked under, ur doing everything wrong and it will be very hard for u to progress. so i think ur major focus in class needs to be tucking ur bottom under. this will also help ur turnout, and everything else. although it will seem harder at first, it u really want to get better stick to it. it's better to do something right and the step be not as big, than to do something worng with the step huge.

i'm surprised ur teacher has not corrected u on this yet??

this is one of the basic things in ballet, it ur teacher doesen't correct u on things like this, u may want to check into another studio
think of lifting up when you plie. yeah...your legs are bending, but lift your upper body. also, if your butt is sticking out, it probably means that your knees aren't over your toes...which means that you are forcing your turnout. tryng only your natural turnout and not forcing it at all. stand in parallel, and then keeping your heels where they are, turn your legs out from your hips. that's your natural turnout. if its not as far as you'd like, you should try and inprove your turnout. keep doing the frog stretch, but also do the butterfly and try to get your chest toyou feet keeping your back as straight as possible. also stretch your middle splits. they help with turnout a lot. especially for you plie in second position

heres a few more stretches you can do...

another thing you might want to try is pilates. it will help imrove the range of motion in your hips. your turnout should get a lot better, and you should be able to get the lines you want in ballet...not just in your plie. it will also help strengthen muscles, auch as your turnout muscles to help you hold your positions.

hope it helps!
Working on your turnout is important... but don't push feet out too far. Doing this may cause your butt to stick out and that may be why you can't keep your back straight. To determine how far out you should turn out your feet stand in first position parallel, then using the muscles in your hips turn your feet out as far as you can putting your weight on your heels and lifting the balls of your feet off the floor. When your feet are as far out as you can turn them just using your turnout from your hips then plant your feet and you have your correct first position. From there you can use that angle for all positions.
pull up your body.

what you're doing is considered "ducky feathers" at my studio. you've just got to work on pulling up. Keep practicing and ask your teacher to give you some tips.

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