Saturday, December 5, 2009

Gymnastics, ballet, or ice skating?

I want to learn how to do gymnastics but my body would break like hell because I am too old, I should have started at a young age when I was more flexible

Gymnastics, ballet, or ice skating?extension

Personally, I really admire anyone who can ice skate. I always wanted to, but my backside and the ice became such good friends, I knew it was'nt for me. I don't know your age, but if 80yr olds can take up yoga and contort their bodies, I would have thought a younger person could go for gymnastics. You never know till you try. Good luck

Gymnastics, ballet, or ice skating?movie theater opera theater

ballet.will be fun.
im an olympic class ice skater
I'd love to be able to ice skate, but I'm too klutzy for that stuff...
well you need ballet for both ice skating and gymnastics (atleast when you get higher up) all of them are hard if you're not flexible...
It would probably have been better to start at a young age. I do know some adults who have just started taking ballet classes though.
Yes you should have but believe it or not you have to learn Gymnastics in order to be a figure skater
ice skating
try ballet then . .
Give pilates a try, if you haven't already.
ice skating
Exactly how old ARE you? Gymanstics is really more for younger people. Ice Skating is my fave of the three. I guess you could try Ballet, but if you're as old as you make out to be, I suggest yoga.
why don't you try it? but I think t hat ice skating would be so much fun!
Ice Skating would be your best choice, I am 43, and I would break everybone in my body trying gymnastics.
i'd opt for ballet
forget the leotards and tu-tus,, volleyball is my game!
teah you should have why not try ballet though
all are great
Do them all and they will help each other out.
I used to do gymnaastics and loved it but i guess if u really think u cant do it then dont

Why not try all 3 and see which you like best
They are all physically demanding sports,try yoga or Pilate's.
All three are fun but I like ice skating the best. But maybe you can try out all of them to see which one suits you best.
I would prefer ice skating.

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