don't know whether you can judge overall how a school is depending on the presence of a piano player. a good instructor is good with or without a pianist. i danced for 15 years and class was better when there was a pianist. (better: the instruction was more flexible and the music exactly matched the exercises.)
this went towards ballet more than the other forms of dance. jazz and tap, lyrical and modern were not as affected by the presence or absence of a pianist.
Are ballet schools with no pianist good?hollywood theater
I guess not...because you need pianosits to play the music.
Are ballet schools with no pianist good? opera theater
No pianist?? what the...??!!??
It's in space. You have to go to space to get it.
i guess it could be okay, but my dance studio had a pianist, and i truly enjoyed it. i think it makes the overall experience more enjoyable....
Certainly, dance instruction, particularly ballet, can be enhance by the presence of a good pianist. However, it is the quality of the dance instructor that is the real point. Classes can be successfully run without a live pianist, particularly with today's recorded music technology and provide a high degree of quality instruction.
They can be just fine. Alot of the pianist music now is on CD's so the dancers still get the same feel for the mujsic. Usually during exam time they will bring an actual pianist in to play. But yes they are just as good as any. Some charge quite a bit more to help pay the fees of a pianist, so when you can have the same great music and sound on a CD why pay extra.
sure, cassette tapes and cds work to. You don't always need the music live
CD ballet music is as good as pianist. You pay less on fee.
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